Wednesday 14 August 2013

What Happened to Harry Potter's Life

I'm telling you a story about Harry Potter. Harry Potter's very very famous. All because of Voldemort. Voldemort was evil and he killed his mother and father. He got left alone on his uncle's doorstep, and his uncle was very, very mean. And then one special night, Hagrid came, and Hagrid was very, very strong and very, very big and very kind. Hagrid took Harry Potter away to Hogwarts. He made two friends there. One of themw as called Hermione Granger and the otehr was called Ron Weasley. Ron was scared of spiders, but Hermione was taking her time in books, and she was very good. She saved Ron once. The End.

Fiona's Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a lovely a princess. She was having fun with her dog. Her dog was called Isla, and then a knock at her door came. She said, "I wonder who that could be? I haven't had a knock on the door for days. I better open the door and see." She opened up the door and there was standing her mummy. "Mummy! Where were you? I looked everywhere for you." "Did you look in the attic?" "Oh no, I never thought you would be in there." Then a big bump came. "I think it was a big, big giant jumping on the floor." "Haha, that is very funny," her mum said. And they lived happily ever after. The End.

Swing From Branch, Swing From Branch

Swing From Branch, Swing From Branch
on the days when you swing from the trees swinging is fun one day you would see a new day when you're singing from the tress swing swing swinging the trees as i go from one branch to another then i sing, then i sing this that will let me cheer that's the branches, are so hard but i can still swing from them still i can still i can fun is great fun is good it's good for your body to cheer up and be good love is good that's when you get enormous strength but when you get tired you can still rest because there are lots of trees protecting you so one branch to another that i swing. -an original poem by Fiona

Decisions, Decisions

Can you help me decided what I'm gonna do? I've got three choices, and I can only pick two. (Only if I do Tap, I can get three. [Mum speaking: That's because Isla is in Tap, and they could go at the same time, until after the dance show.]) Highland, pottery, tap, tennis and ballet. Highland: I like seeing my friend called Rowan. And also I just don't want to stop, but I don't know what to pick. I like doing the funny dance at the end.  Pottery: I like making vases and getting dirty. And also I love getting to wash my hands outside and getting my lunch at Maria's. Oh but I won't get my lunch at Maria's because I'll get my lunch at school. And I love, love, love, love doing the wheel. Ballet and Tap: I like seeing my old, old, very old friend, and she's called Leah. One thing I wouldn't like about tap is going with my sister. I want to be on my own. Tennis: I like seeing Kieran, my grown-up friend. I don't know if Kieran is going to do the school days ones, I think my other teacher Craig is going to do it. I like hitting the ball to another person and then the other person hands it over to you, it's back and forth. I like being outside and getting to practice before. The problem is I don't know which one to choose, so can you please choose it for me? I can only choose two because my mum can't afford more than two. This is Fiona writing it [it's actually her mum transcribing while she speaks]. fiona.


[MUM EDIT: I am separating Fiona's 'Review' blog from her 'Personal' blog. Therefore I'm moving all her personal posts to this new blog.] I'm so sorry I took a long time to blog.  I was so busy. I had my school drama play, that took me a long time to finish though.  And I went to Sox N Slides, that took me a long time.  Last night I went to a disco, so that took me off blogging.  I'm really really really so sorry, I'll make it up, I'll do lots of blogs and lots of songs, and I'll make up more songs for you to listen to.
Before I went to the disco
Song by Fiona  I want this paper to be big, because it's going to be a long long long song. When you clean up its really good when you don't its not really good I just like to be so helpful when my sisters away. I know that it's tiring but I will always always sing good songs and make up good games and now I just love to tidy up things. I used to didn't like to clean but now I've learned a lesson from that. Now I love love love love love games and to make up songs and also to clean up after I play. Me and my mum are going to tidy up some more after we type in this letter song. I want to, and I really want to, prove that I can clean. When I click my fingers, I know lots of games and songs and it's all fun to click my fingers like this: just stroke it across my fingers and that's it done. So when I watch television I just want to clean up because I just love to love to sing and dance I love love love love love love to clean and sing.